Que tal...

Espero les agrade (y si no me da igual) este espacio, el cuál surge debido a mi flojera de estar mostrando lo que escribo a una persona a la vez, así que si estas aquí es porque te interesa saber lo que escribo o porque tu ocio te condujo aqui, como sea... bienvenido y buena lectura...... (atención con las fechas correctas de escritura)
P.D se aceptan todo tipo de comentarios.

lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

A night of march

The beginning

A night of march

You said: "I danced that song, just for you"
I know, and now I'm in debt with you
that's why since that moment I chose
to live the rest of my life, just for you

you said: "please stop doing that, I'll cry"
I know, forgive my rime, poor as dry
cos 'you' rimes with 'you'
and too with 'you' rimes...

but what d'you want me to do
If my deepest feeling arrived
like a shocking blinding light
with your magic belly dance...

your body's moves blown like a leaf
by a ballet whisper of the wind
on your 15th birthday's night.

the first of our love, if I am right.

Luis Alberto Orgaz Vera
(June, 2011)

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